The pain which travels along the path of the sciatic nerve is called sciatica Pain. It travels from the lower back through the hips and buttocks to each leg. It mainly occurs due to the overgrowth of bone or a herniated disk that is pressurized on the part of the nerve. Sciatica often causes pain, numbness, and inflammation in the leg. The pain can be severe or can clear the pain by some treatments within a week.

Symptoms of Sciatica Pain

Sciatica pain can occur almost anywhere throughout the nerve pathway from the low back to the buttock and the back of a thigh and calf muscle.

Pain varies from a mild ache to a sharp, aching pain, sometimes like an electric shock. It can be worse when coughing, sneezing, or sitting for a long time. Usually, Sciatica affects only one side of the body. People experience numbness, tingling, or muscle weakness in the leg or foot, where one part of the leg can be in pain, and one can be numb.

Causes of Sciatica

  • Herniated disk
  • Bone spurs on the spine
  • Sciatica occurs when the sciatic nerve becomes pinched.
  • Overgrowth of bone is sometimes called bone spurs.
  • A tumor that can put pressure on the nerve.
  • Diabetes can also damage the nerve.

Risk factors of Sciatica

It includes

  • Age, where age-related changes in the spine, like the most common causes of Sciatica, are herniated discs and bone spurs.
  • Obesity, one being overweight, increases stress on the spine.
  • Occupation, your job, if it requires twisting the back, carrying heavy loads, or driving a motor vehicle for long periods, might play a role in Sciatica.
  • Prolonged sitting, people who sit a lot or don’t move their body much are more likely to develop Sciatica than active people are.


Most people recover fully from Sciatica, often without treatment. But it can also damage nerves. If you see the following happening to you, seek immediate medical attention:

  • Numbness in the affected leg
  • Weakness in the affected leg
  • Loss of bowel
  • Bladder control

Prevention of Sciatica

It’s not always possible to prevent Sciatica, and the condition can return. To protect your back,

  • Exercise regularly
  • Keep good posture when sitting.
  • Use your body correctly.

Lifestyle and home remedies

Self-care measures can cure Sciatica for most people. Also, rest for a day may provide relief, or staying inactive will worsen symptoms.

Self-care treatments that might help include:

  • Cold packs- Place a hard group on the painful area for up to 20 minutes several times a day. Use an ice pack or a package of frozen peas wrapped in a clean towel.
  • Hot packs- After 2 to 3 days, apply heat to the areas that hurt. Use hot boxes, a heat lamp, or a heating pad on the lowest setting. For continuing pain, try using both warm and cold packs, one at a time.
  • Stretching- Stretching exercises for the low back might provide some relief. Try to hold the stretch for at least 30 seconds. Avoid jerking, bouncing, or twisting during the period.

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